The Wolfpack played before us and we thought there was a good ol chirp session coming. Unfortunately they went to the Gamecocks school of trash talk and most likely failed that. They were brutal. We told Parker to give Nelly a call as they definitely need practice. The games weren’t that interesting. We won 14-4 and 6-1. Big O made is 2011 pitching debut today. He threw 3 innings, striking out 3 and walking 1. Everybody had a good day at the plate and most guys had at least 2 hits. Jade had 5 RBIs, Engdahl had 4 RBIs. Corbett played 3rd base in the second game. I forgot to mention that he never wore a batting helmet to the plate last game, even after 2 guys reminded him. He made all the plays but had a tough time getting the ball to first. The only time the ball made it without bouncing was when he fell down throwing it. Jade, Carter and Ulmer had a 3 way train wreck just beside the plate. The ball popped up close to home plate, Carter couldn’t see it, and 700 LBS was converging on the ball at a blazing speed. Jade make a spectacular catch, hit Cater in the shin guards and Ulmer went head over tea kettle as his legs were taken out. This could have been a lot worse.