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Game 2 vs. Outlaws

We lost 6-3 and only had 3 hits, 2 of them came in the 7th. Coach Rex got the boot and here is how it went down. Coach Rex ‘That is a terrible call’…. Ump Mike ‘Is that right’ …..Coach Rex ‘You suck’…. Ump Mike ‘See you tomorrow’….. Coach Rex ‘Yes we will and you F…ing suck’ ….. Ump Mike ‘See ya later your gone’ ….Coach Rex ‘Yes you will and you still F…ing suck’. On a positive note Ty has drained beer cans on back to back games. News from around the league. The Gamecocks actually stayed after a game and supplied some negative feedback towards the Cardinals. It is good to see a darker side of the Cocks after the team split a 6 pack. The Wolfpack played at 9am and were the last ones to leave the park. Some of them had a light buzz. They had a great idea on having the Gamecocks drive them home but they left right after the game as the Cards were out for blood.